
Anxiety Autism Communication skills Mindfulness Relationships Workplace issues

Custom solutions for all

Just read an article on a new approach for dealing with autism in Task driven steps. One professor had an autistic student who was always interrupting the class by talking loudly. He gave the student the task of looking up things he talked about while he lectured, which gave the student an additional function […]

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Anxiety Mindfulness


No amount of regret changes the past.No amount of anxiety changes the future.But any amount of gratitude changes the present.

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Anxiety Depression Health Mindfulness

Take time away

Social media is a great tool to keep in touch with people, but can also, ironically, isolate people. Providing false images of people’s seemingly perfect lives can cause mental health problems such as depression, and insecurity. Always remember to take time for yourself, and if possible, go outside for a walk, or spend some time […]

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2SLGBTQ+ Anxiety Depression Relationships

What does it mean to be 2SLGBTQ+?

In my counselling practice, I have many 2SLGBTQ+ clients, and I realise that many of us struggle to keep up with what all the terms mean, and how to communicate with people in the community. I found a Government of Canada webpage that gives basic summaries on What is 2SLGBTQI+?, and a reference What does […]

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Anxiety Communication skills Crisis & Trauma Depression Health Relationships Workplace issues

Know your bully

If you are feeling unsafe at work, It is best to reach out. If you can’t reach out to your supervisor, you may have the opportunity to reach out to human resources, legal, or other authorities such as the Canada Safety Council for help.

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Anxiety Communication skills Depression Health Mindfulness

Help for improving your life

I have many clients that struggle with improving specific aspects of their life and we typically sit down and discuss plans to work on those areas. However, there are many things people can do to help improve their overall life with improvements in basic habits. I found an article in Psychology Today that helps to […]

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Anxiety Depression

Free yourself

We are our biggest critics and can be the primary roadblock for ourselves. See this article for tips on how to just be you.

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Anxiety Depression Health

Keeping a positive mood

If you are having trouble with depression or negative thoughts, always reach out to someone. Keeping a positive frame of mind helps the longevity of your life. See story in The Guardian.

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Anxiety Culture & Identity Depression Health Relationships

BIPOC youth therapy

Although I am white, I have spent a large part of my career working with Black, Indigenous and people of colour [BIPOC]. BIPOC mental health is a real issue that needs to be given attention. If you are having trouble connecting with someone you feel can understand you, I may be able to help, or […]

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Anxiety Crisis & Trauma Depression

How children process grief

One of the most heart-breaking things is a child in grief. Children don’t process emotions like adults do, but there are many ways you can help your child avoid long-term impacts. See this article for tips on what to do.

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